El Lounge de Tepoztlán Finalist in the XII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. The Biennial of Spanish Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU), which has been held since 1991 and aims to recognize and reward a set of high-quality works that can represent the best and most diverse panorama of Spanish architecture and urbanism
The Biennial of Spanish Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU), which has been held since 1991 and aims to recognize and reward a set of high-quality works that can represent the best and most diverse panorama of Spanish architecture and urbanism
The BEAU is part of the Program for the Promotion of Diffusion and Internationalization of Architecture whose strategic goal is to project Spanish architecture as an international benchmark for contemporary architecture that knows how to combine the cultural, historical and artistic identity of its heritage with innovation and modernity. Their results are collected in an exhibition, where the awarded and finalist works, a catalog, and a series of debates and academic activities are shown. Among the activities that accompany the BEAU, the Final Degree Projects Contest has been developed.
Among the directors of the Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial of past editions are: Luis Peña Ganchegui (1991), Pedro Casariego (1993 (, Javier Frechilla Camoiras (1995), Carlos Ferrater Lambarri (1997), Cesar Portela (1999), Manuel de las Casas (2001), Antonio Ortiz García (2003), Dolores Alonso (2005), Flora Pescador (2007), Emilio Tuñón and Luis Moreno Mansilla (2009), Félix Arranz and Joaquín Sabaté (2011), Fuensanta Nieto and Enrique Sobejano (2013), Begoña Díaz-Urgorri, Juan Domingo Santos and Carmen Moreno (2015), and Sara de Giles and José Morales (2018).